
When they were 17

Why We Flirt: The Science of Sex

It’s so natural, we barely even notice we do it. Tilting a head to expose the neck, smiling or laughing at something that really wasn’t funny, moving closer to the person making unfunny jokes, mimicking their actions. Our body language is perhaps the most subtle expression of what we’re really thinking and feeling, and is a crucial component of the courting dance known as flirting.
Though cheesy pick-up lines abound, a lot is conveyed even before words are uttered. A prolonged gaze or arched eyebrow gives clues to the person across the bar that you’re interested without having to explicitly ask about his/her sign. Though the statistics differ, some attribute almost 80 percent of our first impressions to our stance and swagger. And because flirting helps both animals and humans find mates faster and easier, it is an evolutionary trait hard-wired in our brains. Mice twitch their noses at potential mates, colorful peacocks strut around for admiring peahens, and pigeons puff their chests to look buff. As much as we have moved on from mice and feathers, we do much of the same, for the exact same reasons.
Genetic Peacockery
Because flirting is an easy way for us to display our genes, mating potential, and interest, nature put a lot toward its success. This is one of the reasons why some males birds have exotic plumes, why elk carry hefty antlers (a sign of a healthy immune system), and why male fiddler crabs have such large claws. He waves his in the air, alerting females to his whereabouts, and signaling them to come closer for a better look at his burrow, colorful shell, and flashy claw.
Much in the same way, we’re physically programmed to indicate interest almost before we mentally have a say in it. Slight actions reveal a lot. Stance, eye movement, and gestures like leaning forward to talk to the person, or quick eyebrow raises are what scientists call contact engagement, signaling to the other mammal that you’re prepared for things to potentially get physical. Perhaps most importantly, these signals show that you’re not intending to dominate or flee. Or not just yet, anyhow.
Moves Have Messages
By studying humans in their natural courting habitat (usually bars), scientists have been able to document the movements we make when we’re interested in someone else. As it turns out, we’re all quite predictable. A woman smiles, raises her eyebrows, opens her eyes wide, holds a gaze, fidgets with her hair, lowers and tilts her head, and laughs. A man might jut out his chin, try to make his chest appear as large as possible, unconsciously flex an arm, laugh aloud, and smile. But what do all these ridiculous gestures mean?
By comparing our actions with those of animals, it becomes clear that moves have messages. A woman tilts her head and shows off her neck as a sign of vulnerability and submission. I see my friend’s dog, a female boxer named Mable Mae, do this all the time. When a male dog is approaching, she turns her head and flattens her ears as if to say, “I’m a lover, not a fighter. Don’t bite.” The male dog naturally assumes the taller, dominant stance. Mable also steals sideways glances, just as we do when flirting, to show she’s demure and hard to get, yet interested.
Read My Lips
Like a lioness presenting herself to a mate, women will arch their backs and show off their hips to indicate fertility. Though I hate the stereotype of a giggly, doe-eyed blonde, women laugh and open their eyes wide not because they’re ditzy, but because it conveys an image of surrender and youth. (No wonder Dolly Parton was so jovial and popular.) While both men and women will make prolonged eye contact with people they’re interested in, a woman might also lick her lips, helping to bring visual attention to the mouth. If someone is staring at your lips he may be thinking of how to kiss them.
Though a man might not pound his chest like Tarzan while in a crowd, it’s only because of social constraints. He’s still trying to put forth his strong jaw, an indicator of high testosterone levels, and spread his arms and chest to look muscular and strong. Yet he doesn’t want to look too strong or threatening, so he laughs and smiles frequently. Confident and powerful enough to protect his brood; nice enough not to harm the doe. 
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Together, both sexes take part in mirroring, tending to sit or stand in similar positions, or pick up a drink at the same time. When one person leans in, another will do the same if she likes what she’s seeing. The theory behind this is that people are drawn to others who are like them. (Dating note: if he picks his nose, put the mirror down.)
We also tend to point or gesture toward our object of desire. This means feet, hands, or the entire body will subconsciously be pointed toward him or her, opening up a line of physical—and hopefully verbal—communication.
Yet through all our coquettish gestures, anyone who’s raised her eyebrows at a cop knows that flirting is not always intended to seal the deal. Flirting can be a default mechanism when we want to get something for nothing (a better table at a restaurant, another free cocktail on the airplane, a shortcut in line) or a comfortable and fun way to interact with new people. And it’s certainly not reserved just for people we want to mate with; married people flirt with no adulterous intentions and platonic flirting happens all the time. Flirting opens windows of potential and can peak curiosity about what might happen, but it also leaves us with the ability to walk away, no harm done.
Related Story: S

Crunch! Ten Potato Chip Flavors the U.S. Doesn’t Have

Classic though they might be, I’m not a fan of plain potato chips. Salt and oil as primary flavors just aren’t enticing to me. Now, add some cheddar and sour cream or honey-barbecue seasonings, and we’re in business. But even those flavors are considered plain Jane when you compare them with what lies beyond our borders. Though we think of potato chips as being quintessentially American, they’re a popular snack in countries all over the world. And just as fast food, chocolate, and other gastronomic commodities are repurposed to suit the unique tastes of different cultures, potato chips sold in other countries come in a plethora of flavors that make our cheddar and barbecue varieties seem downright boring.
1. Fries ’n Gravy

We eat mashed potatoes with gravy; we’d probably eat fried mashed potatoes with gravy; so why not fried potato chips with gravy? The folks at Lay’s Canada think it’s a good combo. Clearly, Canadians aren’t afraid to take condiments associated with potatoes to the next level (see ketchup chips). Throw a few cheese curds into the bag, and you’ve got portable poutine, Canada’s unofficial national dish.
2. Ham & Keen’s Mustard

Smith’s Potato Crisps, based in Australia, claims this is a “perfect partnership of two Australian icons.” These flavors work deliciously well together in a sandwich, so I can’t see how the addition of salty, crunchy potatoes could change that.
3. Wasa Beef

I love wasabi anything … well, almost anything. I don’t know if I’d love beefy chips with wasabi powder, but I salute Japan’s Yamayoshi for its innovative flavor combination.
4. Mango Flavor

Photo source: zieak (cc)
Lay’s introduced a Natural & Warm line of chips with flavors representing the “yang” to its Natural & Cool flavors. Instead of cool cucumber and lime, yang flavors include mango and lychee.
5. Lime ’n’ Masala Masti

With tangy lime and flavorful Indian spices like garlic, ginger, and curry, these chips, made by Lay’s India, bring the sweet heat of Indian food to the snack aisle. Reviews are mostly positive; one Web site calls these chips “an explosion of flavor.” The combination of lime and masala was enough to pique my curiosity, but after reading that, I’m ready to book a trip to India.
6. Spanish Chicken Paella

This is just one of fifteen limited-edition “crisps” recently released by Walkers (a UK snack-foods company that Lay’s owns) during their Flavour Cup game, in which fans vote for their favorite new flavor online. With Welsh Rarebit, German Bratwurst Sausage, and English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding in the running, it’ll be a tough contest for sure.
7. Chutney

Mrs. H.S. Ball’s chutney is extremely popular in South Africa; some call the flavor an icon, and others think of it simply as tradition. Naturally, its sweetly spiced flavor is just as popular in chip form.
8. Bacon Sizzler

Given America’s current love affair with all things bacon-related, I’m surprised there aren’t more bacon-flavored chips crowding U.S. supermarket shelves. Other countries got on the bacon bandwagon years ago. The UK’s McCoy’s, self-described maker of “man crisps,” offers this smoky, meaty delight.
9. New Yorker’s Street Cheese Dog

Pringles’ American-style flavors for Japanese consumers are more interesting than what we usually eat here (and slightly confusing). Along with Las Vegas Spareribs and Grand Canyon French Fries, Street Cheese Dog is meant to showcase our favorite national flavors in one chip.
10. Pizza Potato

We have pizza-flavored chips in the U.S., but Calbee (sold in Japan and Hong Kong) outdoes anything here by adding bits of melted cheese to its chips. Take that, Pringles!
Slowly but surely, the U.S. is catching up with our foreign snack-food counterparts and creating fun, unique flavors to excite our taste buds. Kettle chips in particular are making great strides in the fried-potato department, offering up flavors like Fully Loaded Baked Potato and Spicy Thai. We might have a long way to go until wasabi beef and Spanish chicken paella become as ubiquitous as barbecue or sour cream and onion, but it’s a tasty start nonetheless.


Pac Man 30th anniversary via Google

Pac-Man is back. And to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic video arcade game, Google has unveiled its first-ever interactive doodle – a Pac-Man game that Web users can play straight from Google's homepage.
PHOTO To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic video arcade
 game, Google unveiled its first-ever interactive doodle ? a playable 
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic video arcade game, Google unveiled its first-ever interactive doodle -- a playable Pac-Man
(Courtesy Google)
On May 22, 1980 the now-iconic Pac-Man game was released in Japan by Namco Bandai Games. Originally called Puck Man, Pac-Man launched in the U.S. in October 1980 and went on to sell more than 100,000 units in its first year of production.
The name of the game comes from the sound of eating, according to the official Pac-Man website. "Paku" is the Japanese sound for "chomp."
Now the game is listed by Guinness World Records as the world's most successful coin-operated game.
To help recognize the pop culture mainstay, at 11 a.m. ET today (midnight in Japan), Google turned its homepage over to a Pac-Man game that can be played for the next 48 hours.
Visitors can click on the "insert coin" button or wait 10 seconds to automatically start the game, which reaches 256 levels.
more @ http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/google-celebrates-pac-mans-30th-anniversary-doodle/story?id=10709477

Sexy Time: Movie Myths about Sex

james bondWe all know the movies don’t necessarily contain the most accurate depictions of actual life. Or do we?
Whether we realize it or not, we all pick up subtle things from movies that we expect to find in our actual lives. And while I’m willing to overlook some of the media’s follies (like the fact that people in any foreign country all speak English), some of their depictions of sex are just. so. wrong.
Sex requires a soundtrack.
Sure, some people like to have sex to music and watching couples do it to some big, romantic song in the movies makes us all think music will enhance our orgasms, too. But how many times have you set your iTunes to random and had the Spongebob theme song come on in the middle of your session? Awkward! Sometimes it’s best to leave the music off while you’re getting frisky (unless you’re trying to drown out the noise so your roommates don’t hear). It will still be just as good.
Couples always finish together.
Not only do women orgasm every time they have sex in movies, but they always do it at the exact same time as their partner. Anyone who’s ever had sex in the real world knows this couldn’t be further from the truth for most sexual encounters.
Women never walk around naked after sex.
I don’t know about you girls, but I have never, ever ripped a sheet off of a bed to cover myself when I need to walk around the morning after sex. Nor do I immediately dress myself in my boyfriend’s oversized, button-up shirt.
Sex makes babies, no matter what.
Of course, sex can lead to pregnancy. But the recent barrage of unplanned-pregnancy movies and TV shows (Knocked Up, Juno, Secret Life of the American Teenager) would make you think birth control had never been invented.
Losing your virginity is a really, really, really big deal.
If you’re a female TV character, chances are you spend at least a season deciding if, when, and with whom you lose your virginity. And when you finally do make the choice, you either A. hurt someone you love, B. get pregnant, or C. feel horribly insecure afterward. And if you’re in a slasher movie, your virginity was probably the only thing keeping you alive!
Only beautiful women have sex.
Or husbands, careers, educations, friends, or any type of life worth living, for that matter.

Dania Ramirez Joins The Cast Of Entourage

Sorry I forgot to blog this when I heard about it, but better late then never! Entourage new season starting soon! I actually bumped into her a few times at Montclair University.

Hotterthanmost ReportsDania Ramirez (Heroes, Sopranos) is now joining the cast of  HBO’s Entourage, as Turtle’s (Jerry Ferrera) latest love interest. This must be the luckest unemployed dude in the world, first fine ass Lauryn London, Sopranos’ princess Jamie Lynn Sigler, and now the sexy Dania Ramirez. The seventh season began filming this week and will back in July 2010.

Miss Dania Ramirez:
Ramirez poses for a picture at the 11th Annual Maxim Hot 100 Party on 
May 19, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. http://fakehustle.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/dania-ramirez-2.jpg

Man Uses Facebook to Score Jog With Prime Minister & Other Fairy Tales

If you're still using Facebook just for catching up with long lost friends or seeing who got fat after high school, it's time to move up to the big leagues.

Like Claus Drachmann, a 30-something teacher in Denmark who managed to get his country's prime minister to hang out with him and his special-needs class via a random Facebook invite.

One day, on a whim, Drachmann sent a friend request to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the country's prime minister (Barack Obama's political equivalent).

"I found his profile during the election campaign," Drachmann tells Asylum. "So I added him with a note of how important it was for students in Denmark to have role models like him."

To Drachmann's delight, the request was approved almost immediately.

The story is one of 25 tales told by Emily Liebert, author of "Facebook Fairytales: Modern-Day Miracles to Inspire the Human Spirit." Keep reading to find out how the prime minister ended up at Drachmann's school and what inspired the book.

Feeling ignited, the Denmark man decided to make another bold move by inviting the prime minister to his school to hang out with him and his class. This time, however, there was no reply.

Fast-forward two months -- long after Drachmann had forgotten about extending the invitation. While sitting on the porch at home, he got a phone call from Rasmussen's secretary saying the prime minister would be joining his class.

"Even though we're a small country -- 5.5 million people -- the prime minister spending an hour with your class on an agenda-free walk-and-talk is not your everyday experience," Drachmann says. "My students had a very cool experience with a very attentive prime minister and loads of bodyguards, press and photographers."

After Rasmussen -- who now serves as secretary general of NATO -- wrapped up his time with Drachmann's students, the two joined up with a group of the prime minister's constituents for a three-mile jog through the park.

Facebook of Miracles
Liebert explains what motivated her to share such stories with the world: "I joined Facebook in the summer of 2008 because a friend of mine kept pestering me about it. At first, my intentions were purely voyeuristic ... Then I got sucked in and really started thinking about the cultural impact of social networking."

In addition to Drachmann's story, Liebert tells the tale of a woman who shamed her racist alma mater into apologizing, another woman who joined Facebook to get info about her 20-year class reunion and ended up donating a kidney to a stranger, and a man who organized a worldwide march against FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia).


9AM in Dallas Freestyle (Prod. by Boi-1da)

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps (Plus More Features)

special thx to gizmodo
Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

And to illustrate this point, below is a side-by-side of the same game on the same device, with the one running 2.2 running quite a lot faster than the one with 2.1. Live Updating

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)
Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)
Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

Also, a number of Enterprise Exchange features.

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

There's also a Cloud-messaging feature, so you can, for example, send navigation directions from Google Maps from your computer to the GMaps on your Android. Another example: Reading an article from the desktop, then stopping and sending it to the device for later pickup.

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

Tethering! Portable hotspot! To demonstrate, they show Android hotspotting a Wi-Fi only iPad.

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

V8 for Android's browser, which brings 2-3x performance boost. And this demo, they show a 2.1 Android, a 2.2 Android and an iPad. And they claim Froyo is the world's fastest mobile browser.

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)
Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

2.2 also has access to the compass in the browser, in order to reorient the page according to your orientation. The camera is also accessible in the browser too.

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

They're also stressing their voice recognition for search.

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

Also, voice recognition plugged into Google Translate plugged into text to speech makes for an immediate speech to speech translator.

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

More app features: Searching apps, moving apps to your SD card, searching inside apps and updating all apps simultaneously (or auto-update).

Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)
Android 2.2 Is 2x to 5x Faster For Apps 
(Plus More Features)

And for devs, a bug reporting tool when an app crashes that shows the entire stack trace for devs to figure out what went wrong.

Protect your phone for hackers and viruses

I saw this software that is a must for your cellphones!! BB or Andriod devices!
Check their website for more info: https://www.mylookout.com/

This is a new tunnel between USA & UK across the Atlantic

This is a new tunnel between USA & UK across the Atlantic
ocean, it is not for train or even cars, it is telescope with 5560KM

Tunnel end at
tower bridge – London

Same Moment at New york

Give It Up: Top 10 Worst Foods

Foods like french fries, cool whip, fried wontons and chips have made the list, but check out the link so you can see what's a better substiute.

Georgia Labor Department Posts Stripper Listing

How bad is the economy? Bad enough for the Georgia Department of Labor to accept listings for exotic dancers on its employment website.

The advertisement doesn't require that applicants have previous experience, but the right candidate "must have people skills." Also mandated is "a neat appearance" -- which may or may not rule out C-section scars and cigarette burns.

Listed in the hamlet of Lawrenceville, Ga., the job description for the $75–$150-per-hour position reads as follows: "Male and female candidate(s) will perform at private parties, such as bachelor/bachelorette parties, birthday parties, frat parties, holiday parties and going-away parties. Perform exotic dance."

When pressed for a comment, GDL Communication Director Sam Hill responded, "The Georgia Department of Labor serves as a public labor exchange, and job listings must meet certain criteria. Unemployment in Georgia is 10.6 percent, and the rate in Atlanta is 10.4 percent. Exotic dancing is a legal job in Georgia, provided it complies with state law and local ordinances."

Some people have speculated that as jobs disappear, more women may be finding employment in the adult entertainment industry. We can't substantiate that reasoning, but we do find it strangely titillating.


Donate Hair to Help Animals Affected by the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

  • Organization: Matter of Trust
  • Causes: Environmental, Animals
  • Date(s): as soon as possible
  • Contact person: T. Anderson
  • Email: savetheseaturtles2010@gmail.com
A really cool 4th grader from Hoboken, NJ has been worried about the people and animals due the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and has started a relief effort which is really worth checking out. I think we should contact all of our local barbers and help this individual out!!
Check out his page on the link above and email him... Let's get this process started ASAP! He's not even asking for money!!
Excerpt from his page:
"I am worried about the people, animals, and sea creatures that live along the coast, especially the sea turtles. The sea turtles are about to start their nesting season so they have to return to shore to lay their eggs and after their eggs hatch, the baby turtles must make their way back to the ocean. Because of the oil spill, the turtles will have a hard time. There is something we can all do to help: donate your hair to help clean the oil spill. Human and animal hair of any length can be used by the organization Matter of Trust  to make a special kind of mat that absorbs the oil. I have already asked some local business, including the dog groomers at Fuzzybutz to donate the hair they collect. If you get a haircut and want to donate some clean hair, you can e-mail me at savetheseaturtles2010@gmail.com."

The Top 10 Reasons Women Watch Porn

Woman Watching PorniStockphoto
Recently, it was revealed that 17 members of the SEC were downloading large quantities of porn at work while the nation’s economy was going down the toilet. The real shocker? While many who heard the story assumed—unthinkingly—all of those SEC employees were men, at least one of them was a woman. “The female accountant tried to access online pornography from her office laptop nearly 1,800 times in two weeks,” Forbes reports. “She also had 600 sexually explicit images saved on her hard drive.” And that, my friends, is a lot of porn. The lessons to be learned? 1. Don’t download porn at work. 2. Women watch porn, too. Previously, we gave you the top 10 reasons men watch porn. Now, we present to you the top 10 reasons women watch porn.
1. Curiosity. A girlfriend of mine calls this the “freak show factor.” Personally, I think there is something about pornography that is a bit like a freak show. I mean, people look kind of weird naked and doing it. We’ve come a long way, baby, but there is a degree to which watching porn is still a taboo for women, and that can be its own turn-on.
2. To Get Off. Women and men may be from different planets, but they are both prone to the occasional masturbation session, and it is for that express purpose porn was designed. Generally, I believe women are more likely to choose mental fantasies over visual aids, but there are many women who are as visual as men and men who are as fantasy-oriented as women.
3. Learn New Moves. We can’t all be Stormy Daniels, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have sex like porn stars if we aspire to do so. Whether we’re bored with the current state of our sex lives, looking to bust out a new move on a special occasion, or have yet to perfect the fine art of fellatio, porn can, uh, come in, er, handy as an, um, “educational tool.”
4. Comparison Shopping. People are always yapping about how competitive men are. I have yet to meet a man who is as quietly competitive as a woman. Because a fair amount of us can’t quite make up our minds whether or not to love the body Mother Nature gave us, sometimes we watch porn to compare ourselves to other women. When the competition is surgically enhanced, that challenge can get a little tricky. But women also watch porn to compare their sexual partners to other men. Do they measure up? Depends.
5. Ogle Guys. You know what there isn’t enough of in this world? Shirtless, bottomless, and shirtless and bottomless men. Seriously! Naked chicks? Everywhere you look. If we can’t get to the beach, we might have to visit HotNudeDudes.com, stat.
6. Kill Time. Why does one of my female coworkers watch porn? “To kill time before you can start a DVR’d, hour-long episode of a TV show without having to watch any commercials.” She is nothing if not efficient.
7. Get in the Mood. Several women I spoke with about their personal porn usage used the term “jump start.” If she’s getting ready to go out on a big date, or if her partner is on the way over for a roll in the hay, women use adult movies to get their motor runnin’. It’s like foreplay. Except you’re having sex with the internet instead of another human being.
8. It’s His. Probably, this one should be higher up on the list. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the second most common reason women watch porn. Suffice to say, many women who stumble upon their man’s porn collection may have taken a peek at it. Or, you know, spent the next several hours watching it. In some cases, someone else’s porn can tell you a lot about them.
9. Explore Secret Fantasies. If a woman isn’t comfortable sharing her sexual fantasies, she may turn to porn to experience them vicariously. It could be something as simple as spanking, yet she may feel awkward telling her square-as-a-peg husband that she wants to play naughty. Porn never judges.
10. Penises. Newsflash: Penises are weird. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. We don’t have them. We will never totally understand them. Porn is a penis show.

Perfectly timed sports shots (30 Photos)

Weekend Diet Tips

Saturday and Sunday backsliding can erase your fitness gains made during the week. Here's how to party like a rock star and still feel fit on Monday.
. . . party:
* Pencil in at least one longer workout later in the week to counteract the extra weekend calories you'll no doubt consume.
* Take a break from your typical routine to cross-train or, say, attend a boxing class. You'll burn more fat as you put demands on different muscles. Take a swim instead of your typical stint on the elliptical machine; or play basketball or soccer. Maybe swap a short run for a longer one that includes sprints and hills.
* Try to start Saturday and Sunday with a healthy breakfast, even if you're waking up later. It'll rev up your metabolism. Successful weight control is consistently linked to breakfast-eating.
. . . chill at home:
* Jump on the scale on Saturday morning, and plan to do it again on Monday. Researchers say people who weigh themselves are better at weight control.
* Variety is the cornerstone of a healthy diet, but having too many options spells doom for persistent snackers. Restrict afternoon snacks to one healthy choice, such as almonds, popcorn, or pretzels. No refills!
* Avoid mindless eating while you commune with your DVR. Leave food and drinks in the kitchen. When food's directly under your nose, you eat more.
. . . barhop:
* Head out with a full belly. Before hitting the bar, eat a meal with at least six ounces of meat, poultry, or fish and a cup or more of cooked vegetables. When you're full you're less likely to cave in to high-fat bar food.
* Steer clear of mixed drinks, which can pack upward of 500 calories per. Stick with a 150-calorie beer or glass of wine. Or at least opt for something made with a low-cal mixer, like diet soda or diet tonic.
* Budget. Set a limit on how much you'll spend on drinks before the night starts. Then alternate alcoholic beverages with mineral water or club soda. You'll drink less alcohol and maybe even come in under your goal.
* Get your rest. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your metabolism and makes it difficult to avoid overeating, especially after a long night of drinking.
. . . eat out:
* Order first. Set the tone for the meal by choosing a healthier entrèe.
* Don't waste calories on mundane foods, like white rolls or baked potatoes. Save those calories for foods you don't eat very often or never make at home.
* Drink with dinner, not before. A predinner drink lowers your resistance, making you much more likely to indulge on something you didn't really want.


Five Ways to Spot a Good Wine

Here's a shocker: Good wine is neither expensive, nor old. So how do you know what makes for a good bottle of vino? Well, for starters, it's deep, complex and stays with you long after you've tasted it. You're saying, "but there are so many. How do I choose?" The general tasting rules of swirl, sniff and sip are a start, but there's more to learn when determining if a wine is worthy of your taste buds and cash. We went to the experts to find out exactly what to look for.
Check Out the Backside

First appearance isn't everything. Front labels can be enticing, but check out the full package before you purchase. Read back labels for more information about a wine. Sometimes there are some clues about the wine like fruits, flavors, the aging process, importers and region. Keep an eye out for any stamps of approval like awards or reviews—all signs of a good wine. Go ahead and ask for recommendations. Don't be shy! "Ask the wine steward or a friend for a recommendation to help make your selection," says Peter Click, president and founder of The Click Wine Group (Fat Bastard Wines). "If you're on a date, chances are the woman across the table will appreciate your humility, vulnerability and security to ask for help from a trusted expert."
Scent of Attraction

Swirl and sniff. Here's where two rules of tasting 101 come into play. Does it have nice legs? You know those slender lines of liquid that slowly drip down the sides of the glass. Legs mean little when it comes to a good wine, but it can clue you in on its alcohol content. Sniff. What do you smell? Honey? Peppers? Apple? Oak? Chances are, the more you smell, the better the wine may taste. "Juicy impressions of three types of fruit or aromas of three things (that you like) the nose knows," says wine industry veteran Tim McDonald. "I am a big believer of sniffing and swirling; the taste is confirming what you sense. Good [wine] is the combo of all of it, the sum of the parts. If you think it's bad, it probably is."
Use Your Tongue

Sound sexy? Well it is, but focus. Once you've swirled and sniffed your way around the glass, go in for the sip. Let the liquid move around your tongue. Do you taste dark cherries, grapefruit? Use your taste buds to figure out how many different flavors you can pick up on. Hint: as long as it's in balance and isn't putrid-smelling, the more you can taste the more complex the wine. When all of the flavors stay on your tongue for some time, even better! "If the wine's fruit flavors (think plums, blackberry, cherry, raspberry, citrus, melon, peach) dance across your tongue and the finish lingers you know you've got a complex and balanced wine," says Click.
Get its Digits

Is that a 2005 Bordeaux? Good vintage. If you do some homework and know your years and some favorite regions, you'll know if climate and weather conditions produced a perfectly ripe harvest—and good wines. Extreme heat or cold or too much rain can take a toll on the quality of some grapes. Do some research before you buy, particularly if you're trying a new region, and don't be fooled by age. "Older wines aren't necessarily better," says Click. "Many wines under $15 are intended to be enjoyed young. In general you can drink whites one to two years and reds two to three years after bottling. Higher-end wines have more staying power and can last three to 10 years or more."
Embrace What You Really Like

If you purchase the wine again, chances are you like it. When you find one you like, stick to it. It's simple, but be mindful of the grapes varietals in the wines you prefer. If you like Pinot Noir from Oregon, you just might dig a Burgundy from France. Then again, a Syrah from the Rhône region may be slightly different from a South African or Australian Shiraz. Explore the world of wine. "Taste is subjective, which means the best wine is the one you like," says Click. "Take time to try new varietals from regions all around the world and find your own personal style."
Wine Tip: Screw It!
"Don't be afraid to try wine with a screw cap closure," says Click. "A screw cap doesn't mean the wine is cheap, it means the winery is committed to quality. Approximately 8 percent of wine bottled under cork is cork-tainted or undrinkable."