
Sprint EVO training

AndroidGuys has been privileged to receive a plethora of screenshots showing Sprint's EVO 4G training materials. According to our source, today's the day that Sprint employees are beginning to train on the new WiMAX phone. Rumors have the phone pegged for a June 6th launch. With employees already training, that date not only looks possible, but very likely. However, I was unable to get a release date confirmation. For all we know, Sprint may decide to launch the device next week at their event in New York City. **yes it does have youtube and microsoft exchange activesync.

Unlike the leaked promotional stuff from Radio Shack, this stuff is from actual training material. Yes, the device will come pre-loaded with Sprint specific apps. From the language of the materials, it seems that the EVO 4G will require special rate plans. This especially applies for use of the phone's mobile hotspot functionality.

Interestingly, you'll see that Sprint Navigation is present on the device. It's unclear what this means for Google Maps Navigation. Let's hope that both are there and Sprint didn't decide to go all AT&T on us and strip out native Android apps. More information as it comes.


  • Hotspot feature will support WEP and WPA encryption
  • FM radio is a go


  • Google Navigation and Sprint Navigation are both present
  • Reset and recovery menus are navigated with volume rocker (good to know if you're a modder)


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