
6 Brooklyn Stores Busted in NYPD Drug Takedown

People who live along a ten-block stretch of Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn describe it as an around-the-clock "open drug bazaar."

This morning NYPD narcotics officers raided six businesses in the neighborhood where, they say -- along with CDs, jerk chicken and T-shirts -- marijuana and cocaine were being sold.

The raids come after a two month investigation during which undercover officers reportedly made more than 50 buys.

Police targeted Nostrand Avenue between Atlantic Avenue and Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights after neighbors complained to the Brooklyn District Attorney's office.

Police say the businesses serviced some 400 drug customers a week, with a pound of marijuana selling for $1,100 .

Officers arrested eight people, seized one pistol and two pounds of marijuana.

Brooklyn D.A. Charles Hynes said today's raids should send the message, "We will not tolerate whole neighborhoods being held hostage by drug sellers." @ http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local-beat/Brooklyn-Storefronts-Selling-Drugs-NYPD-90023857.html

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