
[Video] Beyonce Rehearsing “1+1″ Backstage At American Idol


Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens

That's right summertime is coming! Here is the listing of the best suncreens available, thx to EWG:
The 129 best beach & sport sunscreens
(Products sorted alphabetically.)

Product and Score
product image Alba Botanica
Sun: Mineral Sunscreen Fragrance Free, SPF 30
Sun: Mineral Sunscreen Kids, SPF 30
product image All Terrain
Aquasport Performance Sunscreen, SPF 30
TerraSport Performance Sunscreen, SPF 30
KidSport Performance Sunscreen, SPF 30
product image Aubrey Organics
Natural Sun Sport Stick Unscented Sunscreen, SPF 30
Natural Sun Unscented Sensitive Skin/Children Sunscreen, SPF 30+
Natural Sun Saving Face Sunscreen, SPF 15
product image Aveeno
Baby Natural Protection Mineral Block Face Stick, SPF 50
product image BabyGanics
Cover Up Baby Sunscreen for Face & Body, Fragrance Free, SPF 50+
Cover Up Baby Sunscreen Stick, Fragrance Free, SPF 50
product image babyUV/kidsUV inc.
kidsUV Natural Sunscreen Pink, SPF 30
product image Badger
Sunscreen, Unscented, SPF 30+
Baby Sunscreen, SPF 30+
Sunscreen, Lightly Scented Lavender, SPF 30+
Sunscreen Face Stick, Unscented, SPF 30+
Sunscreen, Lightly Scented Lavender, SPF 15
product image Beyond Coastal
Natural Clear, SPF 30
Kids Natural, SPF 30
Lip and Face Screen, SPF 30
Natural, SPF 30
product image Blue Lizard
Australian Suncream, Sensitive, SPF 30+
Baby Australian Suncream, SPF 30+
product image California Baby
No Fragrance Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30+
No Fragrance Sunblock Stick, SPF 30+
Everyday/Year-Round Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30+
Summer Blend Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30+
Everyday/Year-Round Sunblock Stick, SPF 30+
No Fragrance Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 18
Everyday/Year-Round Moisturizing Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 18
product image Caribbean Solutions
Natural/Biodegradable SolGuard, SPF 25
Sol Kid Kare Natural Sunscreen, SPF 25
product image Climb On!
Mineral Sunblock, SPF 30
product image COOLA
MineralBaby Moisturizer Suncare, Unscented, SPF 45
Baby Unscented Natural Mineral Sunblock, SPF 45
Body Unscented Natural Mineral Sunblock, SPF 30
Sport Citrus Mimiosa Natural Mineral Sunblock, SPF 30+
Face Matte Finish Cucumber Natural Mineral Sunblock, SPF 30
product image Doctor T's Supergoop!
Quickstick, SPF 30
Sunscreen Swipes for Sensitive Skin, SPF 30
product image Earth's Best
Earth's Best: Sunblock Mineral Based, SPF 30+
product image Eco Skin Care
Eco Face, SPF 30+
Eco Baby, SPF 30+
Eco Body, SPF 30+
product image Elemental Herbs
Sunscreen Sport, SPF 20
Kids Sunscreen, SPF 20
SUNSTICK Zinc Sunscreen, Unscented, SPF 30
Sunscreen Sport, Tinted, SPF 22
SUNSTICK Zinc Sunscreen - Coconut, SPF 30
product image EltaMD
UV Clear, SPF 46
UV Sport, SPF 50
product image Epionce
Ultra Shield Lotion, SPF 50
product image Episencial
Sunny Sunscreen, SPF 35
product image Esse
Sunscreen, SPF 25
product image Fallene
Cotz Face Cotz Sensitive Skin Sunscreen, SPF 40
product image GLACIER CREME
Glacier Creme Naked Protection, SPF 30+
product image Glytone
Block Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 40
product image Goddess Garden
Baby All Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+
Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+
Kids Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+
Facial Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+
product image Healing-Scents
Live Long Sunscreen, SPF 25
product image Jason Natural Cosmetics
Sunbrellas: MINERAL Natural Sunblock, SPF 30
john masters organics Natural Mineral, SPF 30
product image Kabana Skin Care
Green Screen Organic Sunscreen Fragrance Free, SPF 20
Green Screen Organic Sunscreen, Skin Tone Tinted, SPF 22
product image Karen's Botanicals
Simple Sunblock Lotion, Unscented, SPF 30
product image Kasia Beautiful Health Skincare
Good Day Sunshine, SPF 30
product image KINeSYS
Sunscreen Ointment with pure Zinc oxide, SPF 30
product image Kiss My Face
100% Natural Blue Sun Stick, SPF 30
100% Natural White Sun Stick, SPF 30
100% Natural Pink Sun Stick, SPF 30
product image L'uvalla Certified Organic
Sunscreen Face/Body, SPF 20
product image La Roche-Posay
Anthelios 40 Sunscreen Cream
product image Lavera
Sunblock Baby and Children, SPF 30
product image Little Forest
Sunscreen Lotion For Babies and Kids, SPF 30+
product image Loving Naturals
Sunscreen, SPF 30+
Sunscreen Stick, SPF 30+
product image Marie Veronique Organics
Kid Safe Screen, SPF 25
product image Maui Natural Organics
Maui Naturals Natural Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30
Surfer Honey Natural Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30
Surfer Honey Natural Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 15
Maui Naturals Natural Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 15
product image MDSolarSciences
Broad Spectrum Mineral Sunscreen, Tinted Gel, SPF 30+
product image MelanSol®
MelanSol Natural Sunscreen for Face and Body, SPF 25
product image Mexitan Products
Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 50
Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30
product image Miessence
Reflect Outdoor Balm, SPF 15
product image MISSION Skincare
Mission Skincare Anti-Sting Facestick Sunscreen, SPF 30+
product image Mustela
Sun Cream for Sensitive Areas, SPF 50
product image Nature's Gate
Mineral Sportblock, SPF 20
Mineral Kid's block, SPF 20
product image Neal's Yard Remedies
Lavender Sunscreen, SPF 22
product image Novena Maternal Skin Care
Organic Anti-Aging Mineral Sunblock, SPF 30
product image Own
Active Sun Ball Sunblock, SPF 30
Invisible Face and Body Block Lotion, SPF 30
product image Poofy Organics
"The" Sunscreen, SPF 30
product image Purple Prairie Botanicals
SunStuff, SPF 30
Sun Stick, SPF 30
product image Raw Elements USA
product image Skin QR Organics
L'air du Soleil, SPF 50
L'air du Soleil, SPF 30
product image SkinTx
Physical Facial Block, SPF 30
product image Solbar
Zinc Sun Protection Cream, SPF 38
product image Soleil Organique
Soleil Organique 100% Mineral Sunblock for Body, SPF 45
product image Sun Bunnies
100% All Natural Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30
product image Sun Putty
Face, SPF 30
product image Sunbow
Dora the Explorer Pink Sunscreen, SPF 30
product image Suntegrity Skincare
All Natural Moisturizing Body Protection, SPF 30
product image Sweetsation Therapy
Sun'n'Berry Fun Organic Baby Sunscree,n, SPF 50+
product image The Green Beaver Company
Green Beaver Company Certified Organic Kids Non-whitening Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30
product image thinkbaby
Safe Sunscreen, SPF 30+
product image thinksport
LIVESTRONG sunscreen , SPF 30+
product image Tropical Sands
All Natural Sunscreen, SPF 50
All Natural Face Stick, SPF 30
All Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30
product image True Natural Cosmetics
All Natural Sunscreen, SPF 40
product image Trukid
New Sunny Days Mineral All Natural Sunscreen, SPF 30+
TruKid Sunny Days Water Resistant Unscented Mineral Face & Body Stick, SPF 35+
TruKid Sunny Days Water Resistant Unscented mineral Sunscreen, SPF 30+
TruKid Sunny Days Sport Water Resistant Sunscreen, SPF 30+
TruKid Sunny Days SPORT Unscented, Water Resistant Stick, SPF 35+
Sunny Days Unscented Water Resistant Sunscreen Stick, SPF 35+
product image UV Natural
Sunscreen, SPF 15
Baby Sunscreen, SPF 30+
Sunscreen, SPF 30+
product image Vanicream
Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin, SPF 30
Sunscreen Sport, SPF 35


Shout out to Ronnie laying out "The Situtation"

TMZ says its true!

Supreme Court upholds order for California to release 46,000 inmates

Source LATimes:

By James Oliphant
Washington Bureau

May 23, 2011, 7:31 a.m.
Reporting from Washington—
The Supreme Court, in a narrow 5-4 decision, has an upheld an injunction by a three-judge panel ordering California to release about 46,000 inmates -- more than one-fourth the state prison population -- over the next two years to relieve overcrowding.

The decision was written by Justice Anthony Kennedy and backed by the court's liberal bloc. At issue was whether federal judges had the power to order the release of state prisoners as a necessary means of curing a constitutional violation.
A special panel of three judges ruled in 2009 that inmates in the state's 33 prisons were being denied adequate medical care as required by the Constitution. Because overcrowding was the "primary cause," they ordered the state to cap its prison population at 137% of capacity.

The court said the state's prisons had "short of minimum constitutional requirements" and "needless suffering and death" have resulted.

Kennedy noted, however, that the state had begun to reduce overcrowding and said officials deserve time to make changes. The dissenters, led by Justice Antonin Scalia, called the decision "staggering" and "absurd." It "takes the federal courts wildly beyond their institutional capacity," he wrote.

Document: Read the Supreme Court's decision

Osama Bin Laden Toilet Paper

Buy it now at GearXS:

Model: PP29108
Manufacturer: GearXS
Weight: 0.35 lbs
Today: $5.99
Now that the US Government has wiped him out, you can wipe your butt with the most notorious terrorist - Osama Bin Laden! Drop your own bombs on this former wanted fugitive. His face is printed throughout the WHOLE roll.


Repair and Recover Vegan Chia Pudding

thx OSG

2 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 cup non-dairy milk (soy, almond, hemp, rice, etc)
1/2 tablespoon cocoa
1/4 cup water
1/2 tablespoon Sweetener to taste (agave, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, etc)

Directions: Mix chia, water, and milk together and stir for about 1 minute or two. Next add in the carob or cocoa (optional) and sweetener to taste. Stir for another minute and then pop it into the fridge for about 10-15 minutes. Remove from fridge and stir for another 20-30 seconds. Now enjoy your delicious, energizing, and antioxidant packed chia pudding! You can heat it up in the microwave too. Yields about 3/4 cup.

Green Enchilada Sauce Recipe

Thx Katerina
Green Enchilada Sauce
(makes 1 1/2 cups)
Adapted from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian

6-8 medium tomatillos, husked and washed
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 mediumlarge poblano chile
1 teaspoon Mexican oregano
1/2 cup water or vegetable stock
salt and freshly ground pepper
1/4 cup cilantro
1/2 lime juiced

First roast the chiles and tomatillos: Preheat the broiler and put the chile on a baking sheet under the broiler. Broil until black and blistering on all sides, turning as needed. Remove from oven and place in a ziploc bag, or a bowl covered tightly with saran. Allow to sit for 5 minutes, then remove and peel. Discard skin, core and seeds.

Heat oven to 450F and place tomatillos on a sheet pan. Roast until lightly browned on one side (about 5 minutes), turn and roast until evenly browned and starting to blister.

Make salsa: If you want to make a chunky salsa (rather then a sauce for enchiladas), chop the tomatillos and chilies as desired. Otherwise just chop in half reserving the juices. Heat a sauce pan until medium and add oil, onion and garlic. Cook, stirring regularly for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Add tomatillos, chile, oregano, water or stock, and a big pinch of salt and pepper. Bring to an easy simmer and cook for 10 to 15 minutes, or until thickened, stirring regularly. Stir in cilantro and lime. If you are planning to use for enchiladas put in a blender or food processor and give a few pulses.