
Airline fees: What you'll pay to check a bag, change your ticket, more


Airline fees: What you'll pay to check a bag, change your ticket, more - USATODAY.com

by phone
Ticket-change fee
Fee to change
flight to same
destination on
day of departure (1)
AirTran$15$6 or $20$10$75/Not applicable$75
Alaska$15Not availableNot applicable$75 online; $100
elsewhere/$75 online;
$100 elsewhere
$25 within six hours
of departure
Allegiant$44.97(2)$6.99 or
$9.99$50 per one-way
flight/Not applicable
$50 per one-way flight
American$20$19-$39$10$150/$150-$300$150 for domestic flights;
$150-$300 for international
Continental$20$19 minimumNot applicable$150/$150-$250$50
Delta$20Not applicableNot applicable$150/$250$50
Frontier0$20Not applicable$100/$100$50
Hawaiian$25; $15 for
flights within
$25$25$150; $30 for flights
within Hawaii/$75 or $100
$150; $30 for flights within Hawaii
JetBlue$15$10-$40Not applicable$100/$100$40
Southwest0Not available$100/Not applicable0
Spirit$10$10-$25Not applicable$100 online; $110 on
telephone and
at airport/$100 online;
$110 on telephone
and at airport
$100 online; $110 on
telephone and at airport/$100 online;
$110 on telephone and at airport
US Airways$25; $35 for
$5-$30Not applicable$150/$250$50

AirlineBook free ticket on phone/onlineChange free ticket's
Buying miles or credits(3)
Alaska$15/0$75 online; $100 on phone$27.50/1,000 miles
AllegiantNot applicable/Not applicableNot applicableNot applicable
American$20/0 (For phone or online:
$50 extra if booked
7-20 days before
departure; $100 extra
if booked 2 hours-6 days
before departure.)
$150$27.50/1,000 miles
Continental$25/0 (For phone or online:
$75 extra if booked
less than 21
days before departure.)
$75$35/1,000 miles
Delta$20/0$150$28/1,000 miles(4)
Frontier0/00 if 8 or more
days before departure
and seat in same
service class is
available; $50 within
7 days before departure
$25/1,000 miles
Hawaiian$25; $15 for flights within Hawaii/0$150; $30 for flights within Hawaii$25/1,000 miles
JetBlue$15/0$100$5/point, plus $20 fee
Southwest0/00Not applicable
Spirit0 if booked
at least 180
days ahead;
$15-$100 otherwise/0 if
booked at least
180 days ahead;
$15-$100 otherwise
$110Not applicable
United$25/0$150$67.25/1,000 miles
US Airways$55 for U.S. or Canada flights;
$75 for Latin America/Caribbean flights;
$80 for Hawaii flights;
$90 for international flights/$25 for U.S. or Canada flights;
$35 for Latin America/Caribbean flights;
$50 for international and Hawaii flights.
(For phone or online: $75 extra if booked within 14 days
before departure.)
$150$27.50/1,000 miles

AirlineCheck bag at curbside(5)1st checked bag Domestic/Int'l2nd checked bag
3rd checked bag
Checked bag,
51-70/71-100 lbs.
Checked bag
63-80 total in.
Carry-on bagAirport club lounge:
Annual membership fee/Daily fee
AirTran0$20/$20$25/$25$50/$50$49/$79$49 or $79(6)0Not available
Alaska$2$20/$20$20/$20$20/$20$50/$50$500$450 new member; $350 renewal/$40
AllegiantNot available$14.99-$29.99; $35 at airport/Not applicable$14.99-$29.99; $35 at airport/Not applicable$50/$50$50/$7500Not available/Not available
American0$25/$25$35/$35$100/$100$50/$100$1500$500 new member; $459 renewal/$50
Continental0$23 online; $25 at airport/0$32 online; $35 at airport/$27 online, $30 at airport (Mexico, Caribbean and Central and South American flights); $45 online, $50 at airport (Europe); 0 (Japan)$100/$100$50/Not accepted$1000$525 new member; $475 renewal/$50
Delta0$23 online; $25 at airport/$23 online; $25 at airport$32 online; $35 at airport/$27-$50 online; $30-$55 at airport$125/$100-$200$50$1750$500 new member; $450 renewal/$50
Hawaiian0$23 online; $25 at airport; $10 for flights within Hawaii/0$32 online; $35 at airport; $17 for flights within Hawaii/0$125; $25 for flights within Hawaii/$80-$150$50(7)/Not acceptedNot accepted0$249/Not available
JetBlue$20/0$30/$30$75/$75$50/$100$750Not available
Southwest00/Not applicable0/Not applicable$50/Not applicable$50/$50$500Not available
Spirit0$25/$30$25/$30$85/$90$50/$50$100(8)$30; $45 at the gateNot available
United$2$23 online; $25 otherwise/$23 online; $25 otherwise$35/$50$100/$100$100 for domestic flights; $200 for international flights/$100 for domestic flights; $200 for international flights$100 for domestic flights; $200 for international flights0$475 new member, renewal/$35 online; $50 at airport
US Airways$2$23 online; $25 at airport/0$32 online, $35 at airport/0 or $50 online or $55 at airport$100/$100$50/$100$1000$40 online; $50 at airport

AirlineMeal/ Snack(9)Beverages: Alcoholic/ Non-alcoholicHeadsetWi-Fi(1)(0)Pillow- blanketUnaccompanied minor age 5-7(1)(1)Pet aboard flight
AirTranNot available/0$5 or $6/0, $2 or $40$4.95-$12.95Not available$49$69
Alaska$6 or $7/$6$6/0Comes with a $6 or $12 entertainment-unit rental$4.95-$12.95Not available$25$100
AllegiantNot available/$2-$5$5 or $7; $2 or $4Not available on domestic flights; $5 internationalNot available$7 or $10 for pillow; $10 or $15 for blanketMinors must be accompanied.$100
American$6 or $10/$3.29 or $4.49$6 or $7/0$2$4.95-$12.95$8$100$100
Continental0/0(1)(2)$6 or $9/0 or $3$3 (0 on some
international flights
and comes with $6
DirecTV rental on
some other flights)
Not available0$100$125
Delta$6 or $8/$2, $3 or $5$5 or $7/0$2$4.95-$12.950$100$125; $200 for international flights ($75 for Brazilian flights)
Frontier$6 or $7/$3$5/0, $2 or $3Comes with $6 DirecTV rentalNot availableNot available$50$75
Hawaiian$10 or $12/$5.50-$6.50$6.50-$16/0$5Not available0$100; $35 for flights within Hawaii$175; $35 for flights within Hawaii
JetBlue$6/0$6/0$2 ($6 for movies)Not available$7$85$100
SouthwestNot available/0$5/0 or $3Not available$1-$7Not available$50$75
SpiritNot available/$2-$4$6/$3Not availableNot availableNot available$100$100
US Airways$7/$3-$6$7 or $8/0Not available on domestic flights; $5 for international flights$4.95-$12.95$7$100$100

1— for confirmed seat. Difference in fare may also be charged. Standby fliers may not have to pay additional fee; 2— includes $29.98 round-trip booking fee and $14.99 convenience fee; 3— for the first 1,000 miles purchased; additional tax may be charged; 4— minimum of 2,000 miles must be bought. 5— curbside fee is in addition to other bag fees; 6— $49 for bag 62-70 inches; $79 for bag 71-80 inches; 7— 51-69 pounds; 8— fees are for bags 62-79 inches; 9— airlines selling snacks may also provide some snacks free; 10— single flight fee; fees may be set by outside vendor; 11— itineraries with connecting flights may cost more; airlines may have fees for children of other ages; 12— will begin selling food on some flights in mid-October.

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