
Lil Wayne Be Headed To HBO?

Lil Wayne's videographer, DJ Scoob Doo, the guy responsible for the pre-jail Wayne footage and Lil Wayne DVDs, is seeking to get his Weezy footage on television. He spoke with XXL about what he's trying to do.

"A media network like HBO could have the best impact because they won't try to censor it," he said in an interview. "They push the envelope of what they show. You could just imagine what I could have just being with the team, and being with Wayne on his countdown to jail -- and even when he didn't know he was going to jail. Ever since [the mixtape,] No Ceilings came out, and even before that, it's a lot of sh*t that I'm trying to catch people up with behind the scenes in what's goin' on." @ http://globalgrind.com/channel/culture/content/1502414/Will-Lil-Wayne-Be-Headed-To-HBO/

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